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Planning and Utilities, Cities and CSOs—The Value of Collaboration to Improve Municipalities

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Started 1:00 pm|Ended 3:30 pm

Responding to the combined sewer overflow (CSO) problem is more than a matter of complying with permit requirements. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars in ways that do not improve municipal quality of life is not the optimal solution. Using redevelopment as a tool to improve CSO results should be seriously considered.

Note: This event is intended for permittees and planners in NJ CSO municipalities.

This workshop is designed to help municipal planners, drinking water/sewer utility officials, and municipal development officials understand the ways in which they can reduce sewage generation through water conservation and redevelopment design, including stormwater systems retrofits and green infrastructure. It will also cover the utilization of public spaces in ways that help resolve CSOs while reducing customer costs and improving the quality of life and resilience of CSO neighborhoods and municipalities. 

This virtual event, co-hosted by Jersey Water Works and the American Planning Association New Jersey chapter, will include a combination of presentations, facilitated discussions, and a virtual tour. This workshop has been approved for 2 Certification Maintenance credits through the American Institute of Certified Planners.

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