Mountain River Flowing through Green Forest Rapid Flow Rock Covered with Moss
Asset Management and Finance Committee

Asset Management and Finance Committee

Change Committee
  1. Expanded information about available funding via a technical assistance (TA) webinar, blog, social media, and newsletters.
  2. Encouraged municipalities to consider creating stormwater utilities by hosting five town-hall style Stormwater Utility Information Forums, attended by over 70 participants. 
  3. Raised awareness about water affordability and assistance programs via presentation at the NJ Water Environment Association (NJWEA) conference and by creating social media content, publishing a blog, and sharing information via newsletter on the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP). 
  1. Submitted comments on Proposed Clean Water SRF and Drinking Water SRF Intended Use Plans for SFY23.
  2. Published blog, Affordability of Residential Drinking Water and Sewer Utility Services blog.
  3. Hosted a Low Income Household Water Assistance Program webinar in partnership with NJ Department of Community Affairs, Natural Resources Defense Council, and NJ Board of Public Authorities with a follow up discussion scheduled for December 8, 2022. 
  4. Compiled and shared example Requests for Proposals for Stormwater Utility Feasibility Studies for municipal use.
  5. Developed and shared sample Stormwater Utility outreach digital toolkit for municipal use.
  1. Sent a letter to the Governor’s Office, Department of Community Affairs, Board of Public Utilities, and Department of Environmental Protection identifying opportunities for the State of New Jersey that can help to ensure affordable water services. Read Letter
  2. Published Affordability Report (phase 2) that showcases a new methodology to estimate affordability of water and sewer utility costs in New Jersey.
  3. Created a list of resources to help with recent lead service line legislation for replacement and implementation (to be published in late December 2021).
  4. Expanded committee diversity through outreach to work toward closing gaps and expanding committee racial, gender, and sector makeup.
  1. Submitted recommendations in response to the COVID-19 outbreak to the Governor’s office, which address the impacts on low-income customers and water and wastewater utilities.
  2. Released a draft consensus methodology for measuring water affordability and identified at-risk communities.
  3. Met with NJDEP to recommend ways to focus CSO investments in environmental justice communities as a joint exploration with the CSO Committee.
  4. Identified gaps in committee membership to inform the adoption of diversity goals.
  1. Published a white paper on policy options for improving water and wastewater affordability for low-income customers.
  2. Conducted a study of capital investment by drinking water utilities statewide.
  3. Sent recommendations to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for Water Quality Accountability Act reporting, in partnership with the American Water Works Association.
  1. Worked with industry partners to recommend metrics to NJDEP on the status of drinking water systems, asset management programs and capital investment.
  2. Recommended legal and policy options for improving water and wastewater affordability for low-income customers.
  3. Hosted a peer review of New Jersey Water Bank’s green infrastructure financing program, identifying ways to improve applicant success.
  1. Published in-depth case studies assessing the fiscal implications of asset management for drinking water and wastewater utilities.
  2. Published a national survey of state-level initiatives to fund water infrastructure. 
  1. Launched research on two case studies, in partnership with the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust, into the fiscal implications of wastewater utility asset management programs.
  2. Initiated the evaluation of the state’s financing programs for green infrastructure.
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