Upcoming Event: Eighth Annual NJ Watershed ConferenceOrange right arrow

Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship and ad deadline: Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Download the Sponsorship Application Packet

Contact Michele Glassburg, mglassburg@njfuture.org or 609-393-0008, x107.

Visionary $3000

Prior to the Conference

Logo and hyperlink on Jersey Water Works website
Logo and hyperlink on Conference emails
Sponsorship announced on social media (with handles)
15-second branded video shared on social media (supplied by sponsor)

During the Conference

Exhibit table
Logo on sponsor signage
Full-page vertical ad (5” W x 7.75” H) in digital program book
Logo on back cover of digital program book
Six complimentary registrations

Change-Maker $2000

Prior to the Conference

Logo and hyperlink on Jersey Water Works website
Logo and hyperlink on Conference emails
Sponsorship announced on social media (with handles)

During the Conference

Exhibit table
Logo on sponsor signage
Half-page horizontal ad (5" W x 3.75" H) in digital program book
Logo on back cover of digital program book
Four complimentary registrations

Collaborator $800

Prior the the Conference

Logo and hyperlink on Jersey Water Works website

During the Conference

Listing on sponsor signage
Quarter-page vertical ad (2.5” W x 3.75” H) in digital program book
Listing in digital program book
Two complimentary registrations

Friend of JWW $250

Prior to the Conference

Listing and hyperlink on Jersey Water Works website

During the Conference

Listing on sponsor signage
Listing in digital program book
One complimentary registration
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